Where the Mountain meets the Moon a Grace Lin novel Where the Mountain meets the Moon is a book which I read recently and really enjoyed reading it. The whole story is about a girl named Minli, who comes from a very poor family. She only had some coins, which her parents kept for a long time. Minli's father is a young man who enjoys telling stories. One day, Minli decides to go on an adventure to a mountain where the old man from the moon lives, because he could nswer any question. On her way there, Minli goes through a lot of dangerous places, and she also meets a lot of mythical creatures like dragons, or talking mnkeys. When she arrives at the mountain, The Old Man from the Moon could answer only one of their questions. After Minli wisely chooses a question, she gets her answer and something magical heppens in her poor city. All in all, I do not want to spoil the story to you, so I hope that I made you interested in this book, so that you can read it, and even though y...